Nourish does not proactively ask customers to provide bank account information, nor does it require customers to become wholesalers or pay annual fees. Fraudulent tactics are emerging in an endless stream. Please be alert. If you receive a call from a fake Nourish customer service or bank employee, asking for account and credit card information or operating ATM transfers and remittances, etc., please be alert and use the 165 anti-fraud hotline for verification.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the editor through line official customer service. We will process the order record confirmation for you as soon as possible or call the 165 hotline for verification to avoid fraud. Thank you!

  • LINE official ID: @nourish.official
  • Service hours: Monday to Friday 10:00am-17:00pm (services are suspended on Saturdays and national holidays)

Ministry of the Interior Police Department 165 anti-fraud website (link)
Service hotline: 165
Report phone number: 165#2